Sweet Peach Too Faced Review
I think it's finally time to go back to describing my makeup and the shadow palettes I like to describe. The Too Faced palette is my second product to try / the first was a powder foundation / This palette has 18 shades , 12 of which are shimmery and 6 matte. These are some of the items that are very important to me in every palette, which this one has:
- They are very pigmented.
- They last a long time.
- They are easy to blend.
- Bonus is the smell of a peach that you can smell as soon as you open it.
🍑White peach
◯ Matte eyeshadow,I use it to replace concealer on my eyelids.In natural looks under eyebrow and in the angle of the eye.
Mat senka,koristim je obicno umesto korektora na kapcima,a u prirodnim lukovima ispod obrve i u uglu oka.
◯ A very shimmery shade between pink and orange, a very delicate shade.
Veoma simerasta nijansa izmedju roze i narandzaste,veoma nezna nijansa.
🍑Just peachy
◯The slightly shimmery shade goes from pink to orange. As for me, Luscious and Just peachy should definitely switch their names because it seems to me that that more suits.
Blago simerasta nijansa prelazi iz roze ka narandzastoj.Sto se mene tice Luscious i Just peachy bi definitivno trebalo da zamene imena jer mi deluje da bi vise islo uz njih.
🍑Bless her heart
◯ For this shade I was expecting it to be the same as it looks, so I was a little disappointed because it is much darker.Slightly shimmery shade.
Za ovu senku sam bas ocekivala da bude ista kao i na pogled,pa sam se malo razocarala jer je dosta tamnija nego sto izgleda.Blago simerasta nijansa.
◯ I think this is the least shimmery shade. Otherwise, I used it when my eyeliner run out and it stayed on the eyelid for a long time, the only thing that was mapped / but this is normal because again it is not the real purpose 😅 /
Mislim da je ovo najmanje simerasta nijansa.Inace sam je koristila i kad mi je nestao ajlajner i dosta dugo je ostajala na kapku,jedino sto se preslikavala /ali i to je normalno jer opet nije mu to svrha😅/
🍑Charmed,I'm sure
◯ Honestly I sometimes look for my eyebrow shade in palette because it is difficult for me to decide in the store besides as many products and brands / I would only try gels, which is not easy to find in shops around me /, so I found the one in this palette.Usually those shadows that suit me I decide that they can only be on my eyebrows and wear them out fastest. Matte shade.First shade on the picture. There you can also see Delectable & Talk Derby To Me .
Iskreno ja samo po paletama trazim svoju nijansu za obrve jer mi je tesko odrediti u prodavnici pored onoliko proizvoda i brendova /jedino bih isprobala gelove sto i nije lako naci u radnjama iz moje okoline/,tako da sam i u ovoj nasla jednu!Dugo mi traje i obicno one senke koje mi odgovaraju odlucim da ce biti za obrve samo i njih najbrze istrosim.Mat nijansa.Prva nijansa na slici ispod. Pored nje mozete videti i nijanse Delectable & Talk Derby To Me .
🌼Second row/Drugi red
◯ A gentle orange shade great for highlighter for some nude looks, because for some multicolored and night looks I usually use pure white highlighter. I apply it under the eyebrow, in the corner of the eye and on the cheeks, if you like this can be added to the chin, nose and even forehead how some beauty bloggers do.
Nezna narandzasta nijansa idealna za hajlajter za neke nude look-ove,jer za neke jake,raznobojne i nocne lukove obicno koristim cisto belu boju.Nanosim je ispod obrve,u ugao oka i na obraze,kome se svidja moze dodati na bradu,nos i celo kako neki beauty blogeri rade.
◯ A shade for every day, a shimmery shade. I prefer to put more of this shade, that is, to enhance it a little, but the one who doesn't like it literally just a little bit of this shade will emphasize the eyes.
Nijansa za svaki dan,simerasta nijansa.Vise volim da stavljam vise ove senke tj. da je malo pojacam,ali i onaj kome se to ne svidja bukvalno samo malo ove nijanse ce naglasiti oci.
🍑Candied Peach
◯ A slightly shimmery shade and a shade that I used the most besides Charmed, I'm sure ,used in some day looks. I like how it fits to the eyeliner and it gives a classic peachy look. And this color reminds me of this palette at most.
Blago simerasta nijansa i nijansa koju sam pored Charmed,I'm sure najvise koristila u nekim dnevnim lukovima.Mnogo mi se svidja kako stoji uz ajlajner,daje skroz klasican neki peachy look. I ova boja me najvise podseca na ovu paletu.
◯ The shade, which turns from pink to yellow, is shimmery and can also be used as a highlighter. For the Nectar shade I have recommended other places to put because it is a gentler shade than this one, but I think that placing it in the first three places that I mentioned with that shade is quite enough. And I find this shade is great for creating sun kissed photos by the sky, like the ones you see on Instagram.
Nijansa koja se iz roze preliva u zutu,simerasta je i takodje se moze koristiti kao hajlajter.Za nijansu Nectar sam preporucila i druga mesta za stavljanje jer je neznija nijansa od ove,ali smatram da je za ovu nijansu sasvim dovoljno stavljanje na prva tri mesta koja sam pomenula uz tu nijansu.I smatram da je ova nijansa stvorena za sun kissed fotografije uz nebo,poput onih koje vidjate na instagramu.
🍑Peach Pit
◯ I'd love to see this shade more as a lipstick than as a shade. It's too ordinary and boring to me, certainly you can wear it anytime, anywhere, but I just find it that there are more beautiful shades in the palette.These are first and second shade on picture above.
Volela bih da vidim ovu nijansu vise kao karmin nego kao senku.Previse mi je nekako obicna i dosadna boja,svakako koju mozete nositi svaki dan bilo kad i gde,ali jednostavno smatram da ima lepsih nijansi u paleti.Na slici gore su prikazane kao prve dve nijanse.
◯ A nice lightly shimmery shade ideal for some night out and ideal for a mild eyeliner during the day.
Lepa blago simerasta nijansa idealna za neke nocne izlaske i za blagi ajlajner u toku dana.
🌼Third row/Treci red
🍑Peaches 'N Cream & 🍑Georgia
◯ I find that each matte shade is really well suited to this palette, and these two blend perfectly and go side by side. I honestly don't think I will use the first of these two shades, a beige shade that can be used as a first and as a base, but nothing in particular, the second shade to me is like a less pigmented Candied Peach shade.
Smatram da je svaka mat nijansa zaista dobro pogodjena u ovoj paleti,a ove dve se savrseno blendaju i idu jedna uz drugu.Iskreno mislim da prvu od ove dve nijanse necu koristiti,bez nijansa koj se moze koristiti kao prva i kao baza,ali nista posebno,druga nijansa mi je kao manje pigmentovana nijansa Candied Peach.
◯ At first glance it resembles a Cobbler shade, but it is a much darker shimmery shade and accentuates the eyes more. I suggest you do an eyeliner with this shade on next shade Puree.
Na prvi pogled podseca na Cobbler nijansu,ali je dosta tamnija simerasta nijansa i vise naglasava oci. Predlazem da sa ovom senkom uradite ajlajner sa sledecom nijansom Puree.
🍑Puree & 🍑Summer Yum
◯ This is another shade that can be used on the eyebrows, just that doesn't suit me. Matte shadows and you can use them for simple every day look.And Summer Yum is more of a shade between red and brown, which would look great with a red eyeliner.
Ovo je jos jedna nijansa koja se moze koristiti za obrve,samo sto meni ne odgovara.Mat je nijansa i moze se koristiti uz neki obican look za svaki dan.Dok je Summer Yum vise nijansa izmedju crvene i braon,koja bi izgledala odlicno uz jak crveni ajlajner.
🍑Talk Derby To Me
◯ I was also looking forward to this shade, because to look on the eyes as it looks in the palette would be a complete hit. In the palette it looks like a dark blue shade with purple sequins, and in fact it's more black with purple sequins that don't stand out as much and I think it would be much better if it were dark blue.
Ovoj nijansi sam se takodje radovala,jer da izgleda na ocima onako kako izgleda u paleti bila bi pun pogodak.U paleti izgleda kao tamno plava nijansa sa ljubicastim sljokicama,a ustvari je vise crna sa ljubicastim sljokicama koje se ne isticu toliko i mislim da bi bilo mnogo bolje da je tamno plava boja.
Mislim da je konacno doslo vreme da se vratim opisivanju sminke i o paletama senki koje su mi omiljene za opisivanje.Na red je dosla Too Faced paleta kao njihov drugi proizvod koji isprobavam /prvi je bio puder u kamenu/Ova paleta ukupno ima 18 nijansi od kojih je 12 simerasto i 6 mat.Ovo su mi neke stavke koje su mi jako bitne kod svake palete,sto ova i ima:
- Jako su pigmentovane.
- Dugo traju.
- Lako se blenduju.
- Bonus-ima miris breskve koji možete da osetite cim je otvorite.
Ovu paletu možete naći na njihovom sajtu na kojem imate ocenjivanje proizvoda i prosecna ocena toga je 5.0,tako da mozete predpostaviti i na osnovu toga da je ovo vrlo kvalitetna paleta sa nude bojama koja je vredna kupovine.Na sajtu takodje mozete procitati komentare osoba koji su ovu paletu isprobali. Kod nas je mozete naci u sephora prodavnicama,cena je inace 49$ sto bi iznosilo negde oko 5 hiljada dinara.
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Have you tried any of Too Faced products? Can you recommend me some? 🍑
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Other makeup related posts: Drugi postovi vezani za sminku:
The Zulu palette by Juvia's Place
Smashbox & Hard Candy Makeup Review
Cala Makup Brush set
Halloween makeup looks
Shade+Light eye Kat Von D Beauty review
Makeup tested on animals
Have you tried any of Too Faced products? Can you recommend me some? 🍑
I love this palette!
ReplyDeleteFollowing you back dear:)
Good post 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊
ReplyDeletePost je odličan i svaka čast na trudu koji si uložila da svaku nijansu posebno i na detaljan način opišeš.❤️
The palette looks absolutely incredible. Its been on my wish list for ages now because the shades are so stunning! Such a great post :)
Looks promising! I have never tried anything from Too Faced, so there's not much I can say about the brand.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful palette colors.
ReplyDeleteI am following your blog via GFC, could you follow my blog back?
Super post.. Nisam probala paletu, ali izgleda predivno.♥
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ReplyDeleteThat looks so pretty - I love the colors!
Se ve todo precioso! Feliz noche!
ReplyDeleteWow, svaka čast na analizi svake nijanse posebno. Paleta djeluje lijepo, pogotovo ove svijetle nijanse.
I have this palette too and love it - perfect mix of warm tones and peaches!
ReplyDeleteJasmine xx
Jasmine Talks Beauty
Nice review! Although I haven't got any eyeshadow palette from them, I do enjoy some of their stuffs from the Peach line
I've heard a lot about this palette, although I've never tried it. I love these peachy tones!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day,
Hi! That palette is very nice and has fantastic shades. I hope you´ll visit my blog soon. Have a nice day!
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ReplyDeleteToliko bih volela da pomirisem ovu paletu. Znam, zvuci cudno, ali me stvarno zanima kako mirise hahah. Takodje sam veliki makeup junkie, tako da sam uzivala u ovom postu 😍
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