Shade+Light eye Kat Von D Beauty review
Kat Von D Beauty is a company that does not test on animals and has a wide variety of products. Kat Von D designs the appearance of their products, so their products are different from others. This pallet is divided into: neutral quad, cool quad and warm quad. In every content: the base, the highlighter, the shadow for contouring and the shadow that will define it all.Warm and neutral can be used to look for every day. A team that looks like sitry, samael and solas can also be used as shadows to fill the eyebrows .Warm quad have 'strong' shades and fit in the colors of the autumn.Here's one way to use the warm quad:
1. Set indwin for base to eyebrow.
2.Then use the succubus over the eyelid, but by looking at the base, then swing the brush between these two colors to flicker then it will look as if the darker turns to a brighter light and you get that 'warm' look.
3. Use sytry to fill your eyebrows (if you have dark eyebrows).
4.Eyeshadow named latinus is used as a highlighter, put it under the eyebrow and on the inner corner of the eye. What I like about this highlighter is that gives a natural look.
You can use the Neutral quad for a natural look, you can apply these shadows for school, and in 4 steps you can get a unforgettable look:
1. Apply the laetus base just like the previous look.
2. Apply a samael shade to a little more than half of the lid.
3. Apply a solas shade to the end of the eyelid, and flush it freely with a brush to make the transition.
4.Highlight lucius apply the same as on the previous look. This highlight is the best of all three highlights.
Cool quad you can use for night-outs-colors are long lasting. This is one way to use it:
1. Apply the base lazarus.
2. Apply a shade saleos a little more than half of your eyelash.
3. Take a brush for the shax shade and make a 'wing' as you do when applying an eyeliner and filling that part with that shade and flattening the place between these two colors.
4.Highlight liberatus you can use just like that or you can mix it with two remaining highlighters.
What I really like about this pallet is that all colors are matte, long lasting and there are many ways to try them out. With the palette, you also get instructions that you can use if you are a beginner. Kat Von D products can be found in Sephora, but as I heard it, soon their products will be found in other stores.
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I hope you liked this Shade + Light eye Kat Von D review đ
Kat Von D Beauty je kompanija koja ne testira na zivotinjama i ima najrazlicitije proizvode.Kat Von D dizajnira izgled svojih proizvoda, pa se njeni proizvodi veoma razlikuju od drugih.Ova paleta je podeljena na:neutral quad,cool quad i warm quad. U svakom sadrzi:bazu,hajlajt,senku za konturisanje i senku koja ce sve to definisati.Warm quad i neutral quad mogu posluziti za izgled za svaki dan.Sa tim sto boje poput sytry,samael i solas mozete koristiti i kao senke za popunjavanje obrva.Warm quad ima 'tople' nijanse i uklapaju se u boje jeseni.Evo jednog nacina da iskoristite warm quad :
1.Postavite indwin za bazu do obrva.
2.Zatim iskoristite succubus preko kapka,ali tako sto ce se videti i baza,zatim predjite cetkicom izmedju te dve boje da izblendate onda ce izgledati kao da tamnija prelazi u svetliju boju i dobicete taj 'topli' izgled.
3.Nijansu sytry iskoristite za punjenje obrva(ukoliko imate tamne obrve).
4.Senka pod nazivom latinus koristimo kao hajlajt,stavite je ispod obrva i na unutrasnji ugao oka.Ono sto mi se kod ovog hajlajta svidja jeste to ĆĄto nije previse napadan i daje prirodan izgled.
Neutral quad mozete koristiti za prirodan izgled,mozete naneti ove senke za skolu,a u 4 koraka mozete da ostvarite nenapadan izgled:
1.Nanesite bazu laetus isto kao i kod predhodnog izgleda.
2.Nanesite samael nijansu na malo vise od pola kapka.
3.Nijansu solas nanesite na kraj kapka i izmedju slobodno izblendajte cetkicom da bi ste ostvarili prelaz.
4.Hajlajt lucius nanesite isto kao na predhodnom izgledu.Ovaj hajlajt je najbolji od sva tri hajlajta.
Cool quad mozete koristiti za nocni izlazak-boje su dugotrajne.Ovo je jedan od nacina da ga iskoristite:
1.Nanesite bazu lazarus.
2.Nijansu saleos nanesite na malo vise od pola kapka.
3.Uzmite cetkicu za ajlajner za shax nijansu i napravite 'wing' kao sto radite kada nanosite ajlajner i popunite taj deo sa tom nijansom i mesto izmedju te dve boje izblendajte.
4.Hajlajt liberatus mozete koristiti samo njega,a moĆŸete ga i mesati i sa dva preostala hajlajta.
Ono ĆĄto mi se najvise svidja kod ove palete jeste to sto su sve boje mat,to sto su dugotrajne i to sto postoji mnogo nacina da ih isprobate.Uz paletu dobijate i uputstvo koje mozete koristiti ukoliko ste pocetnik. Kat Von D proizvode mozete naci u Sephori,ali kako sam cula uskoro ce se njeni proizvodi naci i u drugim radnjama.
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