Smashbox & Hard Candy Makeup Review
Before I start describing these products I want to say that they are all cruelity free & they left great impression on me.
First I'll describe two Smashbox cosmetics liquid lipstick-dark shades with very simple packaging.
~Be Legendary Liquid Lip /Foiled Brat/
●I love the way you can aplicate this lipstick,it's very easy with that brush/aplicator.
●This is the first lipstick that isn't matt that I love.
●It has a shine effect on your lips.
●Cover your lips few times for better effect /if you cover for once it looks matte,but with no gloss effect/.
●Also in love with this smell ,call me crazy,but that one remindes me of my lipsticks that I use to have in primary school.
◌U can find this one HERE,but color isn't the same on the website and in reality.
~Always on Liquid Lipstick /Girl Gang/
○Love this shade .
○This one reminds me of Golden Rose Liquid Matte Lipstick /05/ →color,smell and package.
○Brush/aplicator is good,but not as much as Foiled Brat,and it's softer.
○Also has great effect on lips,but it's not long lasting -part in the middle of the lips peel after two/three hours.
○If your layer is removed, do not put one layer over because it looks bad. đ
●U can find this one HERE,same thing about colorđł
Hard Candy makeup are new to me and post about Smashbox palette you can should check HERE.
Both products have great package,smell,but also brush that you can't really use.I can say that they are very creative and amazing brand after testing these products.Strong texture.
➢Fox in a box /Girl Boss/ marbleized baked highlighter
➺Vanilla smell.
➺It gives the face a natural glow.
➺Love that cute look of the product.
➣I couldn't find this product anywhere,so I think these are limited edition.
➢Fox in a box /Girl Next Door/ marbleized baked blush
➻Strawberry smell.
➻Great effect on the face and I think that would look amazing on everyone.
➻You can use it as a eyeshadow too.
➻Better pigmented than the previous product.
➣U can find product HERE. /I think that these products are similar to each other/
Have you tried these products,please tell me your experience!I love to read your comments ❤
Pre nego sto pocnem sa opisivanjem proizvoda zelim da naglasim da ovi proizvodi nisu testirani na zivotinjama i da su ostavili sjajan utisak na mene.
Prvo cu opisati dva Smashbox tecna karmina-tamne nijanse sa veoma jednostavnim pakovanjem.
~Be Legendary Liquid Lip /Foiled Brat/
●Volim nacin na koji se ovaj karmin aplikuje i prilicno je jednostavno sa ovom cetkicom/aplikatorom.
●Ovo je prvi karmin koji nije mat,a koji mi se svidja.
●Ima svetlucav efekat na usnama.
●Prekrivajte vise puta /ako prekrivate jednom ispasce mat,bez svetlucajuceg efekta/.
●Takodje obozavam miris,podseca me na karmine koje sam imala kada sam bila u osnovnoj.
◌Mozete pronaci ovaj karmin OVDE,ali boja sa sajta i uzivo nije ista.
~Always on Liquid Lipstick /Girl Gang/
◌Obozavam ovu nijansu.
◌Ona me podseca na Golden Rose Liquid Matte Lipstick /05/ →boja,miris,pakovanje.
◌Cetkica/aplikator je dobra,ali nije kao kod Foiled Brat karmina i meksa je.
◌Sjajan efekat na usnama,ali ne traje dugo-deo koji je postavljen na sredinu usana pocinje da se ljusti nakon dva/tri sata.
◌Ukoliko vam se skine sloj ne stavljajte jos jedan sloj preko jer izgleda lose. đ
●Mozete pronaci ovaj karmin OVDE,ali vazi ista stvar za bojuđł
Hard Candy sminka je potpuno nova stvar za mene,a post o Smashbox paleti mozete naci OVDE.
Oba proizvoda imaju pakovanje,miris,ali i cetkicu koju ne mozete bas iskoristiti.Mogu reci da su veoma kreativan i neverovatan brend nakon testiranja njihovih proizvoda.Jaka tekstura.
➢Fox in a box /Girl Boss/ marbleized baked highlighter
➺Vanila miris.
➺Daje licu prirodan sjaj.
➺Jako interesantno pakovanje.
➣Ovaj proizvod nisam nasla na sajtu,tako da mislim da je ovo ogranicena kolekcija.
➢Fox in a box /Girl Next Door/ marbleized baked blush
➻Ostavlja sjajan efekat na licu i mislim da bi svakome dobro stajao.
➻Moze se koristiti i kao senka za oci.
➻Bolje je pigmentovan od proslog proizvoda.
➣Mozete pronaci ovaj proizvod OVDE /izgledaju kao slicni proizvodi/
Da li ste probali ove proizvode,molim vas recite mi svoje iskustvo!Obozavam da citam vase komentare❤
Very helpful review. Certainly deserves a try.
Hola a todos aquĂ,
ReplyDeleteMi nombre es Dylan Brandon, soy del Reino Unido y una vez fui paciente con cĂĄncer de mama.
Hasta el dĂa en que mi mĂ©dico me recomendĂł el Dr. Itua Herbal Remedy sobre cĂłmo usa las hierbas medicinales para curar todo tipo de enfermedades, yo estaba muy insistida en su remedio herbal porque estaba muy enferma en ese momento y me diagnosticaron cĂĄncer de mama. Me arriesguĂ© a tomar su tratamiento.
Lo contactĂ© por correo electrĂłnico y le expliquĂ© mi situaciĂłn, amablemente me dijo cĂłmo funciona y tambiĂ©n cĂłmo puedo comprar su producto a base de hierbas a travĂ©s de su sitio web Una semana despuĂ©s me enviaron las medicinas a base de hierbas a travĂ©s del servicio de mensajerĂa, bebĂ sus medicinas a base de hierbas durante cuatro semanas y me curĂ©, me curĂ© del cĂĄncer de mama.
Fue tan maravilloso que incluso mis amigos con cĂĄncer de mama/prĂłstata tambiĂ©n se pusieron en contacto con el Dr. Itua para obtener productos a base de hierbas y todos se curaron tambiĂ©n con las medicinas a base de hierbas del Dr. Itua. No sĂ© cuĂĄntas personas enfermas hay aquĂ hoy o que aĂșn no han leĂdo. este. Ruego que Dios te permita ver esto para saber que hay bienestar para ti. Me garantiza que puede curar las enfermedades enumeradas como cĂĄncer de vejiga, cĂĄncer de cerebro, VIH, herpes,
CĂĄncer de esĂłfago, cĂĄncer de vesĂcula biliar, enfermedad trofoblĂĄstica gestacional, cĂĄncer de cabeza y cuello, linfoma
CĂĄncer intestinal, cĂĄncer de mama, cĂĄncer de prĂłstata, tumor cerebral, recuperaciĂłn de su EX, cĂĄncer de riñón, VPH, enfermedades del taquicardia pulmonar, leucemia, cĂĄncer de hĂgado, cĂĄncer de pulmĂłn, melanoma, mesotelioma, cĂĄncer suprarrenal. CĂĄncer de las vĂas biliares, cĂĄncer de huesos, mieloma mĂșltiple, Tumores neuroendocrinos
Dr. Itua Herbal Center Contacto, Correo electrĂłnico: