Some Shops With Aesthetic.Vintage.Grunge Clothes

So it's been a year since I decide to finally post another part of shops that I like on blog.Last part that I called ''Some cool vintage shops'' wasn't that vintage to be honest-it was more aesthetic than vintage.So here are some combinated shops that are actually included in the tittle of this post.Some of them are small business that I wanted to post about because they are obviously trying to draw someone's attention to themselves.☺️

☀ Aesthetic Haven Shop ☀                                                                    Instagram     Website  

This one honestly shocked me.Cause their website looks so cute and they have everything organised. For example they put it all distributed in sections which so you can easy find something that you want.Also I love their Read me part cause you can get answers to most of the questions like: sizes /how to find yours if u are from America when they post Asian sizes/, shipping and delivery /how to deal with product arriving-what if it's late? what if the product never arrived?/,about returns & exchanges and payments.You definitely need to check whole website because you won't regret it at all!Aesthetic Haven Shop has beauty and accessories section too!Also I would like to mention Gender neutral section I would love to see that on more sites.They have so many great stuff and  I'm pointing out only a few because I need to write about other shops.Free shipping worldwide!

Heart Pocket Collar Top                                               24.99$         
Kawaii Eye Crop Top                                                             12.99$
Leopard Print Casual Long Sleeve T-Shirt                          30.00$    
Baby 90's Style Tee                                                                24.99$

Loose Casual Harajuku Inspired Pants                                34.99$
Harajuku Plaid Pleated Skater Skirt                                     29.99$

Ovaj sajt me iskreno sokirao.Sajt izgleda veoma slatko i sve im je organizovano.Sve im je odvojeno u sekcijama i mozete naci sve sto hocete vrlo lako.Takodje mi se svidja njihov deo Procitaj me gde mozete dobiti odgovore na vecinu pitanja:oko velicine /kako da nadjete svoju ako ste iz Amerike kada oni postavljaju Azijske velicine/,oko postarine/sta ako proizvod kasni ili nikad ne stigne?/, oko vracanja,zamene i placanja.Morate definitivno pogledati ceo sajt zato sto uopste necete zazaliti. Aesthetic Haven Shop ima odeljak za lepotu i dodatke.Svidja mi se i rodno neutralan odeljak koji bi htela da vidim na vise sajtova.Imaju toliko dobrih stvari ovde izdvajam samo neke jer moram spomenuti i druge prodavnice.Besplatna postarina svuda u svetu.

☐  Diftas                           Instagram           Website 

They have amazing style and taste-this is definitely something that I would love to wear every single day!You have some many options here and you can for sure find something for yourself or something for present to your friends!So many vintage and aesthetic stuff!Right now they have sale on some things so u might want to check that.Also I want to tell you that they have new shoes collection!Plus new stuff every week!They have awesome caps priced from 12$ to 20$.Their belts are amazing I literally like each one of them.You also have to see printed socks/I honestly like first page better/.Click here to see my favorite glasses you can find for 12$! They have different prices and you can check some below.I was so excited to see Twin Peaks T-Shirt!I write about that Tv Show in my last post.  ''Delivery is FREE on product above 50$.If your order is less than 50$ then delivery charges are just starting from 2.50$ to 2.99$ only.'' they say on their website.Shipping is worldwide.                                                                      
Vintage Colorful T-Shirt                                                      30.00$
Smoking Sweatshirt                                                            30.00$
Never Trust Hoodie                                                             25.00$
Twin Peaks T-Shirt                                                              16.64$

Vintage Striped T-Shirt                                                   25.00$
Purple Vintage Jacket                                                     48.00$
Striped Cargo Trouser                                                     26.50$
Black Zipper Tube Top                                                   15.00$

Imaju neverovatak stil i ukus-ovo je definitivno nesto sto bi mogla da nosim svaki dan.Imate toliko opcija ovde da sam sigurna da mozete naci nesto za sebe ili kao poklon za svoje prijatelje.Trenutno imaju rasprodaju na neke stvari pa mozda zelite to da pogledate.Takodje imaju i novu kolekciju cipela.Nove stvari izlaze svake nedelje!Cene kapa se krecu od 12 do 20 dolara.Kaisevi su im odlicni i svidja mi se svaki koji imaju.Carape sa printom morate da pogledate /licno mi se vise svidja prva stranica/. Bila sam jako uzbudjena kada sam videla Twin Peaks majcu!Pisala sam o njoj u mom zadnjem postu.''Dostava je besplatna na proizvode iznad 50$.Ako vasa porudzbina iznosi manje od 50$ onda se postarina krece od 2.50$ do 2.99$.'' kazu na njihovom sajtu.Dostavljaju po celom svetu.

💛 Fortist💚                                                                                                Instagram       Website

Their website looks like a blog which I like a lot!For them it's not about pictures and prices but some text too that can force you to pay more attention on the product.Also right in the beginning they showed that they have amazing products with leopard print /of course if you love that print as much as myself/,also you have snake print items.What I also liked on the site is that the currency is directly transferred to currency of the country where you are.I can see that most of the pants are sold out,so u have only three types left ☹️.I also wish they have more tops. Fortist have higher prices then first and second shop previously. Definately you need to check their sunglasses.And all literally all things here are so retro and classy.Take a look at their instagram page and give them a follow!In their instagram bio says that shipping is free for all!Also Fortist instagram page have giveaways for ya 😍

Attention Tee                                                                  34.90$
Cardero Vintage Floral Print Blouse                            69.90$
Avondale Vintage Backless Blouse                             74.90$
Adera Print Mini Dress                                                  89.90$

Blackwell Leopard Print Faux Fur Coat                      134.00$
Ellison Striped Denim Pants                                          79.90$
Foley Rainbow Turtleneck Knitted Sweater                 74.90$
Nielsen Belted Plaid Mini Skirt                                     74.90$

Njihov sajt podseca na blog sto mi je gotivno.Kod njih nisu samo slike i cene koje vas teraju da obratite paznju na proizvode,vec i tekst.Odmah su u pocetku pokazali da imaju sjajne proizvode sa leopard printom /naravno ako vam se svidja taj print onoliko koliko i meni/,takodje imaju i print zmije.Svidja mi se sto na sajtu se odmah valuta novca prebacuje u valutu zemlje u kojoj se nalazite.Vidim da je vecina pantalona rasprodata,tako da na raspolaganju imate jos 3 vrste ☹️. Zelela bih da imaju vise gornjih delova.Fortist ima vise cene u odnosu na predhodna dva sajta.Obavezno pogledajte njihove naocare za sunce.Sve stvari su bukvalno retro i elegantne.Pogledajte njihov instagram i ukoliko zelite zapratite ih.U opisu instagrama im stoji da je dostava za sve delove sveta besplatna.Takodje cesto spremaju nagradjivanja 😍

♡Sugarcoma Clothing♡                    Instagram       Website

Again this site looks like blog and if u sign up you can get 20% off your next order!Sarah Judy is creator of this brand and she is very creative young lady.''All items are handmade to order and take 1-2 weeks to make and ship out.'' she said on her site.You can see story behind her job and also the pics off her studio where the magic begins.And on Sugar Coma Clothing website you have a video so you can see her making ringer tees.One thing I feel sad for is Kitten Shirt that expired from the shop last year.I think that prices are fine becouse they are handmade I'll always appreciate handmade more than stuff from factory and people work really hard for that.The USA shipping XS-6X worldwide.

Fuck Around And Find Out                                          49.00$
Baby Girl Collared Crop Top                                        29.00$
Bad Colorblock Tee                                                       35.00$
Striped Flared Leggings                                               45.00$

Freak On A Leash Top                                                   39.00$
Black Liquid Skater Skirt                                               49.00$

Jos jedan sajt koji izgleda kao blog i ako se na njega prijavite dobijate 20% popusta na vasu sledecu narudzbinu.Sarah Judy je kreator ovog brenda i ona je veoma kreativna mlada dama.''Sve stvari su rucno pravljene i treba jedna do dve nedelje da se naprave i stignu.''ona kaze na sajtu.Mozete videti pricu koja stoji iza njenog posla i studio gde magija nastaje.Na Sugar Coma Clothing sajtu imate video gde mozete da vidite kako pravi stvari.Jedna stvar oko koje mi je krivo jeste ''Kitten'' majca koje nema u prodavnice od prosle godine.Mislim da su cene dobre s obzirom da su ovo rucno pravljene stvari i uvek cu ih vise ceniti jer je neko ulozio vise truda.

⏩ Wild chicks ⏪                                                                                             Instagram         Website

On the website they say:''We are not rich and we are working hard to survive. That's why it is important for us to put the price low like Bershka, Pull&Bear or H&M. The clothes there are not too expensive and that's where we usually shop the most of our time. So we aim for good quality clothes for a fair price :)'' which I really like that honesly 'cause they are fair enough .They have free shipping worldwide over 30$/25€.Germany brend,but they ship from Asia.I love their big accessoires section,you can literally find anything there-belts,necklace,socks/great selection/,chains,mouth masks,earrings,chokers, beanie,sunglasses /amazing retro style/,keychain,bags,phone cases,even gloves!They are all pretty cheap so u might wanna check it out.One necklace that really cought my eyes on is Velvet Choker With Bell because it remainds me of anime that I use to watch when I was little.I love that when u click on ''chicks'' part you can choose style that you prefer to wear- Otaku, Grunge , Harajuku , Gothic Punk and Casual.

''Lonely'' Flame T-Shirt                                                      22.33$
Striped T-Shirt With Hollow Heart                                    22.33$
Aesthetic Vintage Jacket                                                    39.09$

Yellow Vintage Plaid Skirt                                             23.45$
Yellow Vintage Plaid Pants                                            27.92$

Na njihovom sajtu kazu:''Mi nismo bogati i tesko radimo da prezivimo.Zato je za nas bitno da imamo niske cene poput Bershke,Pull&Bear-a i H&M-a.Odecu koja nije skupa uglavnom i mi kupujemo.Zato mi nudimo odecu dobrog kvaliteta za fer cenu :) '' sto mi se iskreno svidja,jer fer postupaju.Imaju besplatnu postarinu svuda u svetu za narudzbine preko 30$/25€.Nemacki brend,ali robu salju iz Azije.Volim njihov veliki odeljak za dodatke,mozete svasta naci tamo- kaiseve,ogrlice, carape,lancice,maske za lice,mindjuse,cokere,kape,naocare za sunce /neverovatan retro stil/,privesci za kljuceve,torbe,maske za telefon,pa cak i rukavice.Bacite pogled na ove stvari jer su jeftinije od ostalih.Jedna ogrlica mi je posebno zapala za oko je ova koja me podseca na anime koji sam gledala kada sam bila mala.Svidja mi se i to sto kad kliknete na ''chicks'' deo mozete izabrati stil koji volite da nosite - Otaku, Grunge , Harajuku , Gothic Punk and Casual.

Hope you guys like this kind of post,feel free to comment so I can hear more about your style.💗 You can also recommend some store with things like this so I can put it in my next  fashion posts /yap let's call it like that/.


Instagram: @s16bp

Prosla je godina od kako sam konacno resila da postavim drugi deo online prodavnica koje mi se svidjaju na blogu. Zadnji post sam nazvala ''Some cool vintage shops'' sto i nije bilo toliko vintage,ali ovog puta sam iskombinovala prodavnice koje sadrze svoje opise u naslovu posta.Neki od njih se tek probijaju i zelela sam da ih postavim zato sto ocigledno zele da neko obrati paznju na njih.☺️

Nadam se da vam se svidjaju ovakvi postovi,slobodno komentarisite i pisite o vasem stilu.💗Mozete i preporuciti neki sajt ili prodavnicu sa slicnim stvarima kako bi mogla da postavim u sledecim postovima poput ovoga.



  1. Great picks😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. Ovi sajtovi mi izgledaju predobro i baĆĄ mi se dopadaju. OduĆĄevljena sam jer su originalni i potpuno drugačiji. Super post.❤️

  3. So many amazing pieces and places to shop! All of these designs are absolutely fabulous.

  4. Interesantan post kao i sajtovi koje si nam pokazala! 😃

  5. Thanks for the recommendations, I love this kind of style but I never find clothes like this in stores at Madrid.

    Kisses from

    1. Your welcome honey,I'll post more about styles that I like! ❤️

  6. This sounds like a great place to shop. And I like that they have a gender neutral section. Thanks for the introduction.

    Allie of

  7. Hello!!

    I liked to know the indicated stores !!

    A kiss and a great week.

  8. Great post dear, very interesting. :)
    My new post:

  9. Young and recklessJuly 16, 2019 at 2:00 PM

    You go girl, love it! ❤ ĆĄifra Frida ❤

  10. wow, amazing post. Would you like to follow each other?

    1. Thanks sweetie ❤ And sure,I'm following your blog now :)

  11. Some nice stores! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Hvala na preporukama, morat ću posjetiti ove stranice! :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

  13. Hola a todos aquĂ­,
    Mi nombre es Dylan Brandon, soy del Reino Unido y una vez fui paciente con cĂĄncer de mama.
    Hasta el día en que mi médico me recomendó el Dr. Itua Herbal Remedy sobre cómo usa las hierbas medicinales para curar todo tipo de enfermedades, yo estaba muy insistida en su remedio herbal porque estaba muy enferma en ese momento y me diagnosticaron cåncer de mama. Me arriesgué a tomar su tratamiento.
    Lo contacté por correo electrónico y le expliqué mi situación, amablemente me dijo cómo funciona y también cómo puedo comprar su producto a base de hierbas a través de su sitio web Una semana después me enviaron las medicinas a base de hierbas a través del servicio de mensajería, bebí sus medicinas a base de hierbas durante cuatro semanas y me curé, me curé del cåncer de mama.
    Fue tan maravilloso que incluso mis amigos con cĂĄncer de mama/prĂłstata tambiĂ©n se pusieron en contacto con el Dr. Itua para obtener productos a base de hierbas y todos se curaron tambiĂ©n con las medicinas a base de hierbas del Dr. Itua. No sĂ© cuĂĄntas personas enfermas hay aquĂ­ hoy o que aĂșn no han leĂ­do. este. Ruego que Dios te permita ver esto para saber que hay bienestar para ti. Me garantiza que puede curar las enfermedades enumeradas como cĂĄncer de vejiga, cĂĄncer de cerebro, VIH, herpes,
    CĂĄncer de esĂłfago, cĂĄncer de vesĂ­cula biliar, enfermedad trofoblĂĄstica gestacional, cĂĄncer de cabeza y cuello, linfoma
    CĂĄncer intestinal, cĂĄncer de mama, cĂĄncer de prĂłstata, tumor cerebral, recuperaciĂłn de su EX, cĂĄncer de riñón, VPH, enfermedades del taquicardia pulmonar, leucemia, cĂĄncer de hĂ­gado, cĂĄncer de pulmĂłn, melanoma, mesotelioma, cĂĄncer suprarrenal. CĂĄncer de las vĂ­as biliares, cĂĄncer de huesos, mieloma mĂșltiple, Tumores neuroendocrinos
    Dr. Itua Herbal Center Contacto, Correo electrĂłnico:

  14. This dress is very pretty, I like the color and I find the shape quite original!
    lots of love


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