10 things I hate about you movie review
This movie went out in '99 and it's inspired by Shakespeare's work "The Taming of the Shrew ".This is the story of completion of high school,high school chaos and about boys that faced two sisters.Older one /named Kat/ is old fashion freak,literature lover,with the attitude and opinions shakes her professor,doesn't come out with the guys nor is she interested.Younger one /named Bianca/ is beautifully dressed,she is all into her look, always in the center of attention.
At first father set them one rule : "They can't go out with guys at all" changing it into "... until Kat starts to go out" giving hope to Bianca ,but hoping that that won't happen soon.Younger sister falls in love with popular,great looking boy,ignoring his 'quality'.
Bianca in every way tries to fix the situation that the father has set up and she attracts the attention of the two guys who,using each other,finally founds the guy for Kat - Patrick.He persistently goes to the same place as she,reads the same books and adore the same bands.
However,after all that bet,looking for a crazy guy who would go out with Kat,futile courting and spending money,does Bianca really manage to get what she wants?Are the guys who bet to win the girls really worth it?Which thing Kat is trying to teach Bianca /and all of us/ ? You will have to understand that after the movie.
Facts about this movie:
Ashton Kutcher and Josh Hartnett were also in the running for the role of Patrick Verona.
Julia Stiles' tears when she reads out her poem were real and not planned.
The dance scene helped Julia Stiles get a role in "Save the Last Dance".
Larisa Oleynik, who played Bianca, actually attended the Sarah Lawrence college that Kat is accepted to in the film.
Patrick Verona's surname comes from birthplace of his equivalent character in the Shakespeare play.
Julia Stiles actually went for the role of Bianca originally.
That red car that Kat drove in the film actually belonged to Heath Ledger.
Even though in the movie she's older than her by two years, Julia Stiles is only three months older than Larisa Oleynik who played Bianca.
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I hate the way you talk to me
And the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare
I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind
I hate you so much that it makes me sick
It even makes me ryhme
I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
Even worse when you make me cry
I hate the way you're not around
And the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Ovaj film je izasao '99 i uradjen je po Sekspirovom delu "Ukrocena goropad" /kako je preveden naslov na srpski/.Ovo je prica o srednjoj skoli,haosa u njoj i momcima koji se suocavaju sa dve sestre.Starija /koja se zove Ket/ je old fashion freak,ljubitelj knjizevnosti,koja stavom i misljenjem uzdrma svog profesora,koja ne izlazi sa momcima niti je oni zanimaju.Mladja /koja se zove Bjanka/ se oblaci lepo,vodi racuna o svom izgledu i uvek je u centru paznje.
Otac im je na pocetku postavio jedno pravilo "Nema izlaska sa momcima" izmenivsi ga u "... dok Ket ne pocne izlaziti." dajuci tracak nade mladjoj sestri,ali nadajuci se da se to nece uskoro desiti.Bjanka se zaljubljuje u popularnog decka koji lepo izgleda ne mareci za njegove 'kvalitete'.
Ona na sve nacine pokusava da sredi situaciju koju je otac namestio i time privlaci paznju dva decka koji,iskoriscavajuci jedan drugog,konacno pronalaze decka za Ket - Patrika.On uporno izlazi na ista mesta kao i ona,cita iste knjige,obozava iste bendove.
Medjutim,usled opklade,potrage decka koji je dovoljno lud da izlazi sa Ket,uzaludnog udvaranja i potrosenog novca da li Bjanka stvarno uspeva da dobije ono sto zeli?Da li su momci koji se klade da mogu osvojiti cure zaista vredni?Sta Ket pokusava da nauci Bjanku /i sve nas/?To cete morati da shvatite nakon gledanja filma.
Cinjenice u vezi ovog filma:
Ashton Kutcher i Josh Hartnett su se takodje borili za ulogu Patrika Verone.
Suze od Julie Stiles kada cita pesmu su stvarne i neplanirane.
Scena plesa je pomogla Julii Stiles da dobije ulogu u filmu "Sacuvaj poslednji ples".
Larisa Oleynik,koja je igrala ulogu Bjanke,je stvarno isla u Sarah Lawrence koledz na koji je Ket bila pozvana u filmu.
Prezime od Patrika Verone nastaje od rodnog mesta lika iz Sekspirovog dela.
Julia Stiles je ustvari htela ulogu Bjanke.
Crveni auto koji Ket vozi u filmu je ustvari pripadao Heath Ledgeru.
Iako je u filmu starija od nje dve godine,Julia Stiles je samo tri meseca starija od Larise Oleynik,koja je igrala ulogu Bjanke.
- Da li ste odgledali ovaj film ili vam je na listi filmova koje morate odgledati?Da li vam se svideo film ukoliko ste odgledali?Kako vam se cini ova recenzija?❤
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Interesting. I think one has to be honest about what they are writing.