'The Lennon Report' movie review

So I wrote a review of a movie that has left a great impression on me. It's about a movie called 'The Lennon Report'. This film doesn't look at the life of the famous artist and musician John Lenonn or the person who killed him. This movie starts from the moment he received the bullet,and it ends with the impressions of the people who were near by in the moment of his death .

In this story we have an ambitious young journalist-Alan Weiss.He works every day looking for an interesting story that will leave people impressed by reading the newspaper on that day.Do you like journalists or people who want to know everything?Cause I don't.But let's look at this through his eyes.You are new to this, love your business and want to leave a strong impression on all of your surroundings and one day you drop off the engine without expecting that you will 'get the cover page' that you will present in the movie 36 years later.Now i have made you interested in this,right?

I knew that he left a great mark in the world and a great impression on people. I knew he was killed. But I didn't expect everything that was going on afterwards.I knew that it left a sadness for his family, friends and fans, but I didn't know how it all affected on the surgeons who fought for his life.It's not like you can do a heart massage every day to people you are watching on tv.Or to feel that pressure . I don't want to discover the whole action of this movie, although I have no words in which I can describe how impressive this whole movie is.

Cops who noticed that person who received a bullet is actually John drives him to the hospital without waiting for an ambulance, surgeons and nurses struggling for his life while he was on the table, compassion of his love Yoko Ono.This is a very sad movie that brings us details that can only be described by people who have seen all of this.At the end of the film you will have the opportunity to hear a story told by characters who were played by the film actors. Their emotions remain as they were 36 years ago.

♫ Director: Jeremy Profe
♫ Writers: Jeremy Profe,Walter Vincent
♫Country: USA
♫Release date:6 april 2016 (USA)
♫Filming Locations: New York City
♫Runtime: 1h 27 minutes

Watch the movie: HERE
Check the trailer: HERE

Check my last post if you want to: HERE

Napisala sam pregled filma koji je ostavio sjajan utisak na mene.To je film sa nazivom 'The Lennon Report'.Ovaj film ne obuhvata zivot poznatog umetnika i muzicara John-a Lennon-a ili o coveku koji ga je ubio.Film zapocinje od momenta kada je primio metak,a zavrsava se utiscima ljudi koji su bili u blizini kada je nastupila njegova smrt.

U ovoj prici imamo ambicioznog mladog novinara- Alan-a Weiss-a.On radi svaki dan u potrazi za interesantnom pricom kojom ce zainteresovati ljude koji tog dana procitaju novine.Da li Vam se svidjaju novinari ili ljudi koji zele sve da saznaju?Meni ne.Ali zamislite da ste na njegovom mestu. Novi ste u ovome,volite svoj posao i zelite da ostavite utisak na ljude koji Vas okruzuju i jednog dana padnete sa motora ne znajuci da cete 'osvanuti na naslovnoj strani' koju cete predstaviti na filmu 36 godina kasnije.Sad ste zainteresovani,zar ne?

Znala sam da je ostavio veliki trag u svetu i veliki utisak na ljude.Znala sam da je ubijen.Ali, nisam razmisljala o onome sto se dogodilo posle.Znala sam da je nastupio osecaj tuge njegovoj porodici,prijateljima i fanovima,ali nisam znala kako je to uticalo na hirurge koji su mu spasavali zivot.Nije kao da mozete raditi masazu srca svaki dan ljudima koje gledate na televiziji.Ili da osetite taj pritisak.Ne zelim da odam sav sadrzaj filma,iako nema reci kojima mogu da ga opisem.

Policajci koji su shvatili da se radi o John-u u bolnicu ga voze svojim kolima,ne cekajuci kola hitne pomoci,hirurzi i medicinske sestre koje se bore za njegov zivot dok je na hirurskom stolu, saosecajnost njegove ljubavi Yoko Ono.Veoma tuzan film u kojem se prosezu detalji koje jedino mogu izneti ljudi koji su videli sve ovo.A na kraju filma imate mogucnosti da poslusate pricu koju pricaju likovi ovog dela koji su odglumljeni u filmu.Njihove emocije su ostale iste kao i pre 36 godina.

♫ Reziser: Jeremy Profe
♫ Scenaristi: Jeremy Profe,Walter Vincent
♫Zemlja: USA
♫Izlazak:6 april 2016 (USA)
♫Lokacija snimanja: New York City
♫Vreme trajanja: 1h 27 minuta

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