'A hundred summers' Beatriz Williams book review Valentine's day edition

I am not a person who reads love stories. But with one exception-if the story is located in ancient times. Time of this story is in the thirties of the last century. You will read a two sides of story from 1931. and 1938. The first one is located in New York, and the other is in Rhode Island. This is the story of two friends and two lovers when they find each other after seven years. Only things have changed since the last time.

  • New York 1931.
The beauty of young life, the first experience of love, the charms of long-standing friendship go through the story. Rugby games, morning outings, and New Year's craziness come together in one story and one disappointment, leaving two people injured by their own decisions they made that year.
Lily and Nick are magnificent and irresistible, leaving every single person around to admire Lilly's courage and Nicole's determination in their relationship.Budgie and Graham are the couple that everyone would be jealous of , Budgie's beauty and Graham's sport spirit are distinguished by this bond that is so beautiful from the outside,but inwardly empty without emotion.

  • Rhode Island 1938.
All this young and beautiful days have disappeared.The rest are just desires, unrealized dreams, but only on Lily's side. She returns to the place where her parents went on vacation when she was a little girl. Her sister fulfills her time and fills the emptiness created by Nick and Badgie. But when they arrive after the honeymoon on the Rhode Island, things will change, all the feelings that Lily has created over the years have slowly disappeared, as if she was once again attracted to friendship with her and the memories she had with him, but the pain continues when they meet again together. In a couple of days, Graham is there with them as if everything is going backwards,only this time story doesn't have the same beginning and the same end.

Get your book: HERE 

Songs for Valentine's day:HERE

''Blends history, romance, and social commentary into a very potent novel that is much more than a summer guilty pleasure.''—Connecticut Post

''Sparkles like the New England summer sun.''—New York Times bestselling author Karen White

''It is what every beach book should aspire to be—smart and engrossing.''—New York Times bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand

''[A] great summer read.''—People

''Will keep the reader so engrossed, multiple applications of sunscreen will be required.''—USA Today

''A wonderfully evocative atmosphere of hot and hazy days, shimmering parties, and lazy afternoons on the beach. Add in a little romance, a lost love, and a family mystery, and you’ve got the perfect way to spend an afternoon in the hot sand.''—Examiner.com

''A candidate for this year’s big beach read.''—Kirkus Reviews
''[A] fast-paced love story.''—O, The Oprah Magazine

''Summer of 1938: A scandalous love triangle and a famous hurricane converge in a New England beach community. Add in a betrayal between friends, a marriage for money, and a Yankee pitcher, and it’s a perfect storm.''—Good Housekeeping

Ne vazim za nekoga ko cita ljubavne price.Ali, sa jednim izuzetkom-ako je radnja smestena u davnim vremenima.Vreme ove price je smesteno u tridesetim godinama proslog veka.Procitacete dve price: iz 1931. i 1938. godine.Prva je smestena u Njujorku,a druga u Rod Ajlandu.Ovo je prica o dve prijateljice i dve ljubavi koje se srecu nakon sedam godina.Samo sto su se stvari promenile od zadnjeg puta.

  • Njujork 1931. godina
Lepota mladosti,prvo ljubavno iskustvo,cari dugogodisnjeg prijateljstva se provlace kroz pricu.Ragbi utakmice,jutarnji izlasci i ludosti u Novogodisnjoj noci se spaja u jednu pricu i jedno razocarenje,ostavljajuci dvoje ljudi povredjene odlukom koju su doneli te godine.Lili i Nik su velicanstven i neodoljivi,ostavljajuci svaku osobu da se divi Lilinoj hrabrosti i Nikovoj odlucnosti u njihovoj vezi.Badzi i Grejam su par koji cini svaku osobu ljubomornom,Badzina lepota i Grejamov sportski duh se odlikuju vezom koja je divna spolja,ali bez emocija iznutra.

  • Rod Ajland
Svi mladalacki i lepi dani su iscezli.Ostale su samo zelje,neostvareni snovi,ali samo sa Liline strane. Vraca se na mesto na koje je sa roditeljima letovala kada je bila mala.Njena sestra joj ispunjava vreme i prazninu koju su ostavili Nik i Badzi.Ali kada oni stignu na Rod Ajland posle medenog meseca,stvari ce se promeniti,Osecanja koja je Lili stvara tokom godina polako ce nestati,kao da je opet vezuje prijateljstvo sa njom i secanja sa njim,ali bol nastaje kada ih sretne zajedno.Za par dana Grejam dolazi kod njih kao da se sve ponovo vraca,samo sto ovog puta nema isti pocetak,a ni kraj.

Nabavite svoju knjigu:OVDE

Songs for Valentine's day:OVDE

''Spaja istoriju,romansu i drustveni status u vrlo snazan roman koji je mnogo vise od letnjeg zadovoljstva.''—Connecticut Post

''Sjaji kao letnje sunce u Novoj Engleskoj.''—New York Times bestselling author Karen White

''Ovo je nesto cemu svaka knjiga za plazu treba da tezi-da bude pametna i uzbudljiva.''—New York Times bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand

''Odlicno letnje citanje.''—People

''Cuvati citaoca da ne bude tako upleten,bice potrebne mnoge aplikacije za zastitu od sunca.''—USA Today

''Cudesna atmosfera vrelih i mracnih dana,treperecih zabava i lenjih popodneva na plazi.Dodajte tu malo romanse,izgubljene ljubavi i porodicne misterije i imate savrsen nacin da provedete popodne u vrucem pesku.''—Examiner.com

''Kandidat za ovogodisnje citanje na plazi.''—Kirkus Reviews
''Brza ljubavna prica.''—O, The Oprah Magazine

''Leto 1938. godine:skanalozni ljubavni trougao i poznati uragan uplecu se u zajednicu Nove Engleske.Dodajte izdaju izmedju prijatelja,udaju zbog novca i Jenkijevog beka i eto savrsene oluje.''—Good Housekeeping


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