So a while ago I was in Padova (Italy) and I went to one store and freaked out!One friend told me that she saw some 'rock shop' before Square so I had to go there!
You can find song lyric on some t-shirts.They have great design.They have that 70s,80s,90s style which is great if you ask me!
Not only you can find clothes for every day,but you can also find dresses for the night.
One thing that i realised is that if you are on the budget while you're in another country is that is little bit expensive.You can't find jeans under 50€,a simple t-shirt cost 5 or 6€(which is totally okay if you like simple stuff).Since I never been in store like this I have to have something from there!So I bought shirt from the pic (25€).You can also find chokers and sunglasses.
Girls that work there were so kind!They speak english đ (which is very rare when you are in Italy) so they showed me some cool stuff.
Since I found out that i can shop their product online I loved it!
Please check their product here:
Pre nekog vremena bila sam u Padovi (Italija) i odusevila sam se jednom radnjom!Jedna drugarica mi je rekla da je videla 'rock radnju' pre trga,pa sam morala da odem tamo!
Mozete naci majce sa tekstovima pesama.Imaju sjajan dizajn.Imaju taj stil 70ih,80ih,90ih sto je super ako mene pitate.Jedna stvar koju sam shvatila dok sam bila tamo jeste da je skupo ukoliko ste na budzetu kad putujete u drugu zemlju.
Ne mozete naci farmerke ispod 50€,a obicne majce kostaju 5 ili 6€ (sto je super i ako volite jednostavnije stvari).Kako nikad nisam bila u ovakvoj radnji morala sam da imam nesto odatle.Tako da sam kupila majcu sa slike (25€).Mozete takodje naci cokere i naocare za sunce.
Devojke koje rade u toj radnji su bile ljubazne.Pricaju engleski đ (sto je veoma retko ako ste u Italiji) pa su mi pokazale neke super stvari.
Takodje mozete kupovati njihove stvari onlajn.
Pogledajte njihove stvari ovde:
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