Fire walk with me /indication of Twin Peaks tv show/
The way i found out about this tv show is because i got attracted by this picture on instagram of one of the couples in the show,i got attracted by their clothes-you can guess it's not that style u wear now days,right?Oh btw you are reading post by person who doesn't watch trailers so I tought this was some crime & mistery tv show,and of course not thinking of fantasy tv show /becouse I'm not into that at all/.
The end of the first season and the whole second season / 90-91 / make the fantasy more than a mystery and a crime series, while in the third season it is not so much in relation to the other, perhaps because of the present time / I think that people in the 1990s wanted to try new things and shift the boundaries of technology and that they have grown a lot on TV, whether it's comedy, horror, or crime.
In this series, I have not only met actors for the first time but with the director David Lynch who completely thrilled me / + he also plays role of one of the agents in the film /. I thank you for choosing actors,I mean look at this team đ
The action of the series is set in Twin Peaks where it begins with the murder of Laura Palmer. In a small place they have not got used to this kind of violence. In a place where sheriffs are seducing order, who are not accustomed or know how to solve the murder, a young FBI agent-Dale Cooper is coming to town . He gets to know the place, everyone notices that he is new there. Interviewing the townspeople, exploring the history of the city and trying their kitchen he is trying to get closer. Everything is suspiciously examined to the very end, while recording everything from the first morning coffee until he lies in bed before sleeping and sums up the day.
But like any series, you never know what will happen in the next episode of how Dale will deal with everything and what's new for him. He's fascinated by things that nobody would pay attention to. Whatever happens he is extremely professional in his work, and the expression of the face remains steady.
Most of the roles in the series are as interesting as his.Little place requires acquaintance with the majority of people who may be involved in this murder. There are a couple of couples who are interesting, and some even want to try out the detective business and seek evidence wanting to connect them to the person who did this.
The family of Laura Palmer is very shaken, which is normal,plus this is their only daughter.Therefore, a loved cousin is coming to them, who is just as sad as they are. But after her disappearance, there is an alarm. Can someone find her? the similarity between the two of them? You will have to discover it yourself, because after that, the order of the mystery begins.
The third season begins with a fantasy and was published two years ago at the film festival, if I'm not mistaken. 25 years after the end of the third season that comes out in 2017, but how did it come to us? If you were watching the second season, you saw Laura Palmer telling Dale Cooper in the red room / as the room was called in the movie/ "I'll see you again in 25 years"- which is to be assumed, but this is a big risk for the maker and the whole team-What if the audience changes for 25 years? What if this is not interesting anymore? What if some actors can not record or refuse co-operation? These are just some of the questions that you would ask yourself to create this story, right?
~fire walk with me~
There are many assumptions about it: it may be a link to a demon, maybe it opens a portal between the two worlds, maybe it simply signifies a walk in hot coal. No one has exactly said what the phrase is related to and why people on various sites and forums are inclined to comment over and over again, not believing in their own words, but something must remain a mystery / like a red man / as David says in interviews. In the films and series he creates, he shows things that preoccupy his mind, the dark side of life, unknown and terrifying.
"Through the darkness of future's past, The magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds... "Fire... walk with me.""
Did you watch this series? Which part did you like most? If you haven't,are you interested in seeing the series now?đ❤
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☆INSTAGRAM: @s16bp
Iskreno dosla sam do ove serije tako sto me je privukla ova slika na instagramu na kojoj se nalazi jedan od parova u ovoj seriji,privukao me je izgled njihove odece jer sam znala da radnja nije smestena u sadasnjem vremenu ,a ni u vremenu u kojem je snimano /sto sam kasnije saznala/.Inace citate post osobe koja ne gleda trailer tako da sam bila ubedjena da je ovo krimi serija bez trunke fantastike koja me ne zanima toliko.
Kraj prve sezone i cela druga sezona /90-91/ cine fantastiku vise nego misteriju i krimi seriju , dok u trecoj nije toliko prisutna u odnosu na drugu mozda zbog toga jer je rec o sadasnjem vremenu /smatram da su ljudi u 90im voleli da isprobavaju nove stvari i pomeraju granice tehnologije i da su se dobro pozabavili tv-om uopste bilo da je to komedija,horor ili pak kriminalistika/.
U ovoj seriji se nisam samo prvi put susrela sa glumcima vec i sa reziserom Davidom Lynchom koji me je upotpunosti odusevio /+on takodje glumi jednog od agenata u filmu/.Iskreno mu se zahvaljujem na odabiru glumaca,bacite pogled na ovu ekipu đ
Radnja serije je smestena u Twin Peaks-u gde zapocinje ubistvom Laure Palmer.U malom mestu nisu navikli na ovakav vid nasilja.U mestu gde serifi zavode red,a koji nisu navikli niti znaju kako da rese ubistvo, dolazi mladi FBI agent-Dejl Kuper.On se upoznaje sa mestom,svi primecuju da je pridoslica. Intervjuise mestane,istrazuje istoriju mesta i isprobava njihovu kuhinju.Sve sto mu je sumnjivo ispituje do samog kraja,dok sve snima diktafonom-od prve jutarnje kafe do momenta kad legne u krevet i rezimira dan.
Ali, kao i svaka serija nikad ne znate sta ce se desiti u sledecoj epizodi kako ce se Dejl snaci i sta ce sve to novo za njega.Njega fasciniraju stvari na koje niko ne bi obratio paznju.Sta god da se desava ostaje izuzetno profesionalan u svom poslu,a izraz lica ostaje stalozen.
Vecina uloga u seriji je podjednako zanimljiva kao i njegova-malo mesto zahteva poznanstvo sa vecinom ljudi koji su mozda upleteni u ovo ubistvo.Tu se nalaze i par parova koji su interesantni,a neki cak zele i da se oprobaju u detektivskom poslu pa traze dokaze zeleci da ih povezu sa osobom koja je ovo ucinila.
Porodica Laure Palmer je vrlo potresena,sto je i normalno s obzirom da je to njihova jedina cerka.Zato im u posetu dolazi voljena rodjaka koja je jednako tuzna kao i oni.Ali posle njenog nestanka nastaje uzbuna.Da li ce je naci?Kakva je slicnost izmedju njih dve?To cete morati sami da otkrijete jer posle toga tek zapocinje red misterija.
Treca sezona pocinje fantastikom i objavljena je pre dve godine na filmskom festivalu ako se ne varam.25 godina nakon zavrsetka treca sezona koja izlazi 2017.,ali kako je doslo do nje?Ako ste gledali drugu sezonu znacete da Laura Palmer kaze Dejlu u crvenoj sobu /kako je nazvana prostorija u filmu/:''Videcu te ponovo za 25 godina ''-sto se da predpostaviti,ali ipak je ovo veliki rizik za rezisera i celu ekipu-Sta ako se publika promeni za 25 godina?Sta ako ovo vise nije interesantno? Sta ako neki glumci ne mogu da snimaju ili odbiju saradnju?To su samo neka od pitanja koja bi postavili sebi da vi kreirate ovu pricu,zar ne?
I na kraju fraza koja je zaintrigirala mnoge:
~fire walk with me~
"Kroz tamu buduce proslosti,carobnjak zudi da vidi.Jedan peva izmedju dva sveta... "Vatro... hodaj sa mnom.""
Da li ste gledali ovu seriju?Koji deo vam se najvise svideo?Ukoliko niste da li sam vas zainteresovala?đ❤
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☆INSTAGRAM: @s16bp
My brother has been obsessed with this series for years. I started watching it but never finished. Thanks for inspiring me to do that!
You definitely need to! I'm glad your brother love it and you're welcome ! ❤
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ReplyDeleteThank you honey!❤
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