Trip to Italy part 3 (Venice)

We arrived in Venice by boat and went to St. Mark Square, which is right next to the boat and gondola harbors.Before we went to St. Mark Square, guide showed us a prison that was used earlier and from which prisoner couldn't come out, and the one who went there would rarely left that place;they would just have to waith the death to come.The dungeons were in the basement so when water come up,it would fill the basement and the prisoners would drown. The only man who escaped was Giacoma Casonova, who cheated the guards at the time of a pod under the masks,wearing one,so they couldn't recognized him and some people still thought that on his way out he said "Arrivederci" (goodbye) to the guards. °Stigli smo u Veneciju brodom i otisli smo na trg Sv. Marka, koji je odmah do pristanista za brodove i gondole.Pre nego sto smo otisli tamo vodic nam je pokazao zatvor koji se koristio ranije,a iz kojeg je retko ko izlazio;neki su cak i cekali da smrt dodje po ...