Smashbox & Hard Candy Makeup Review

Before I start describing these products I want to say that they are all cruelity free & they left great impression on me. First I'll describe two Smashbox cosmetics liquid lipstick-dark shades with very simple packaging. ~Be Legendary Liquid Lip /Foiled Brat/ ●I love the way you can aplicate this lipstick,it's very easy with that brush/aplicator. ●This is the first lipstick that isn't matt that I love. ●It has a shine effect on your lips. ●Cover your lips few times for better effect /if you cover for once it looks matte,but with no gloss effect/. ●Also in love with this smell ,call me crazy,but that one remindes me of my lipsticks that I use to have in primary school. ◌U can find this one HERE ,but color isn't the same on the website and in reality. ~Always on Liquid Lipstick /Girl Gang/ ○Love this shade . ○This one reminds me of Golden Rose Liquid Matte Lipstick /05/ →color,smell and package. ○Brush/aplicator is good,but not as much as F...