Halloween makeup looks

We all know that Halloween is celebrated on 31st of october, right?So by then I will post some things related to halloween.The first thing to do is makeup here. I will show you a couple of makeup artists from which you can take ideas or you can do your makeup similar.All of them you can find on their instagram profiles. Svi znamo da se Noc vestica odrzava 31. oktobra,zar ne?Zbog toga cu postavljati neke stvari vezane za to.Prva stvar jeste sminka.Pokazacu Vam neke sminkere od kojih mozete uzeti ideje ili mozete da uradite sminku slicnu njima.Sve mozete naci na njihovim instagram profilima klikom na njihova imena. 1. Jordi 2. Pamela 3. Lauren Backman 4. Sheridan Kelley 5. Jessica Nicole 6. Jessica A.M. Kalil 7. Rachel Murray 8. Kimberley Margarita That's it for this post,I h...