Halloween jewellery

Since I told you that I'm going to post something about Halloween ,the current post will be related to jewellery that is pretty inspired by Halloween ,which you can wear every day,like me. Posto sam Vam rekla da cu postavljati nesto vezano za Noc vestica,trenutni post bice vezan za nakit koji je inspirisan ovim danom,a koji mozete da nosite svaki dan,kao ja. 1.Blood Milk Jewels Instagram / Website I found out for them long time ago,but I still think that they have unique jewellery.That is kind of jewellery that will leave a strong impression on everyone. Odavno sam saznala za njih,ali i dalje mislim da imaju jedinstven nakit.Takav nakit ostavlja jak utisak na ljudima. 2.Rogue+Wolf ...